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[Optic] – First fiber-optic nanotip electron gun enables easier nanoscale research 12 September 2023

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Nebraska have developed an easier way to generate electrons for nanoscale imaging and sensing, providing a useful new tool for material science, bioimaging and fundamental quantum research.

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[Nanotechnology]- Estimating the occurrence of nanomaterials in the environment 12 September 2023

To perform a risk assessment of nanomaterials in the environment, information on the exposure, i.e. the amounts that are present in the environment, is essential. In contrast to many other known pollutants, the concentrations of nanomaterials in environmental systems cannot be measured directly. In this situation, exposure modelling is a solution to estimate the environmental exposure with synthetic nanomaterials.

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[Nanotechnology]- Nanotechnology in sports equipment: The game changer 12 September 2023

Innovations bring a maze of complexities to a sport, but elevate the performance level of an athlete and reduce the chances of injury, making sport more enjoyable for the spectators and the athletes. The world of competitive sport is highly influenced by even the minute changes in sports equipment, which could be a matter of winning or losing.
In recent times, the sports equipment industry has emerged as a sophisticated yet commercially viable hi-tech industry where advances have revolutionized sports.

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[Graphene] – Large-scale synthesis of graphene and other 2D materials 7 September 2023

Since its first demonstration in 2004, the large-scale commercial production of graphene has proven difficult and costly (‘large scale’ usually defined as weights more than 200 mg or films larger than 200 cm2). For instance, at an estimated cost of $50 000 to $200 000 per ton for graphene powders and $45 000 to $100 000 per m2 of graphene film, industrial production methods and costs are restraining graphene utility.

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[Thin-Films] – Watching the evolution of nanostructures in thin films 7 September 2023

Scientists make extensive use of X-ray fluorescence to map elements in materials. However, this technique does not have the needed spatial sensitivity unless the probe is finely focused.
Scientists have now found a way to turn X-ray fluorescence into an ultra-high position-sensitive probe to measure tiny internal structures called nanostructures in thin films (Nature Communications, “Reconstruction of Evolving Nanostructures in Ultrathin Films with X-ray Waveguide Fluorescence Holography”). These thin films can be a hundred times finer than a human hair.

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[Thin-Films] – Researchers test quantum theory with precision-engineered thin films 5 September 2023

Comparing experimental results and theoretical calculations can be difficult for quantum materials. These are materials that have special properties, such as superconductivity, that can only be understood using the rules of quantum mechanics. One way that scientists compare experiments and computations is to use sample materials that isolate and emphasize an atomic line with one dimensional (1D) properties.

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[Thin-Films] Discovering features of band topology in amorphous thin films 5 September 2023

In recent years, scientists have been studying special materials called topological materials, with special attention paid to the shape, i.e., topology, of their electronic structures (electronic bands). Although it is not visible in real space, their unusual shape in topological materials produces various unique properties that can be suitable for making next-generation devices.

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[Graphene] – Ribbons of graphene push the material’s potential 4 September 2023

Twisted layers of graphene, for example, have been shown to behave in ways that single sheets have not, including acting like…

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[Nano-technology] – Nanotechnology in the Construction Industry 4 September 2023

Basic construction materials cement, concrete and steel will also benefit from nanotechnology. Addition of nanoparticles will lead to…

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