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[Nanotechnology] – Black nano-gold to combat climate change 3 August 2019

Global warming is a serious threat to the planet and living beings. One of the main causes of global warming is the increase in the atmospheric CO2 level. The main source of this CO2 is from the burning of fossil fuels in our daily lives (electricity, vehicles, industry and many more).

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[Glass Technology] – Chemists could make ‘smart glass’ smarter by manipulating it at the nanoscale 26 June 2019

Chemists have devised a potentially major improvement to both the speed and durability of smart glass by providing a better understanding of how the glass works at the nanoscale.

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[Sputtering target] – CIBOX un projet innovant dans le domaine des cibles céramiques 11 June 2019

Codex International et le Crismat concluent un projet collaboratif de recherche industrielle « CIBOX » pour améliorer la performance et la fiabilité des dépôts de couches minces par pulvérisation cathodique.

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