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Accueil > Target CdTe 5N, Dia 2″x 3mm
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[Graphene] – Electrons become fractions of themselves in graphene 11 juin 2024

The electron is the basic unit of electricity, as it carries a single negative charge. This is what we’re taught in high school physics, and it is overwhelmingly the case in most materials in nature.
But in very special states of matter, electrons can splinter into fractions of their whole.

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[Thin-Films] – New p-type near-infrared transparent conducting thin films developed with better performance 21 septembre 2023

A group of scientists at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed new p-type (positive hole) near infrared (NIR) transparent conducting (TC) films with ultra-high conductivity, unveiling a new transparent conducting material (Advanced Optical Materials, « p-Type Near-Infrared Transparent Delafossite Thin Films with Ultrahigh Conductivity »).

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