Next-generation optics in just two minutes of cooking time |
Optical circuits are set to revolutionize the performance of many devices. Not only are they 10 to 100 times faster than electronic circuits, but they also consume a lot less power. Within these circuits, light waves are controlled by extremely thin surfaces called metasurfaces that concentrate the waves and guide them as needed. |
Polymer encapsulation shields perovskite nanocrystals from degradation |
Due to their fascinating optoelectronic properties, halide perovskites have attracted tremendous research interest as promising materials for photovoltaics, photodetectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and lasers. |
Semiconductor combination yields more power from solar cells |
The efficiency of commercially available solar modules can only be increased to a limited extent, according to German researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. |
Nanoparticles’ movements reveal whether they can successfully target cancer |
Targeted drug-delivery systems hold significant promise for treating cancer effectively by sparing healthy surrounding tissues. But the promising approach can only work if the drug hits its target. |
Institut Lafayette : 3 questions à Simon Gautier, CTO chez Institut Lafayette |
Mr Gautier, pourriez-vous nous présenter votre laboratoire L’institut Lafayette ? L’institut Lafayette est une plateforme de transfert de technologie et d’innovation spécialisée dans les nouveaux matériaux semi-conducteurs ainsi que les composants et systèmes pour l’optoélectronique. |
Job offer Post Doc CDD 1 à 3 ans Responsable projet CIBOX Basé au Crismat à Caen |
Le candidat (H/F) devra disposer d’un doctorat en sciences des matériaux ou équivalent (PhD degree) afin de conduire le projet. Le candidat devra avoir une expérience de travail en laboratoire et des connaissance/ expériences en démarche qualité de process industriel. |
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