Porphyrins, molecules with cyclic structures, have intense absorption bands in the visible region and can be strongly coloured. Medicinal porphyrins are the subject of R&D into photo-dynamic therapies as they strongly absorb light which is then converted into energy and heat in the illuminated areas. Download our complete catalogue of Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines and NIR pigments by LUMTEC.
Solution-processed OLED by LUMTEC
The need for improvements for industrialization and the search for a higher efficiency of OLED by LUMTEC in particular o [...]
Synthetic Intermediate & Reagents by LUMTEC
Discover our wide range of synthetic and reactive intermediates by LUMTEC by downloading our complete catalogue. [...]
Perovskite Solar Cells by LUMTEC
The hybrid organic-inorganic structure of Perovskite Solar Cells by LUMTEC has recently enabled them to break the 20% ef [...]