20 November 2023

[Innovation] – Codex International is a key partner of Nan ED crystallography project

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Nan ED

The Nan ED Project – Electron Nanocrystallography, is an Innovative Training Network, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, project funded by EU (grant agreement n. 956099) aimed to train a new generation of electron crystallographers thereby paving the way for future development and establishment of the method more broadly in the academic community and within the industry.

Electron crystallography is a way of looking into the structure of matter exploiting electron scattering in a transmission electron microscope. Its main strength relies on the strong character of electron matter interaction, which allows detectable diffraction signals on crystal having size of few nanometers. Collecting this signal in 3D and determining the atomic positions in nanocrystals of any kind, minerals, inorganic, hybrid, organic, pharmaceutical and macromolecular is the final goal of NanED.

Codex International will be involved throughout the project, contributing its expertise to help meet the program’s technological challenges.

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