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Accueil > Target Mo 99.99%, Dia 2 to 8″x 2 to 12mm
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[Ultra High Vacuum] – The importance of a Sapphire viewport in a HV or UHV 23 février 2020

It is vital for the procedure in-situ to be observed in many high vacuum and ultra-high vacuum (HV/UHV) processes. The challenge is that any optical component must penetrate the hermetically sealed chamber but not compromise the quality of the vacuum.

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[Innovation] – Codex International now offers the very last SPS sintering technology. 21 mars 2023

The main characteristic of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is that the pulsed or unpulsed DC or AC current directly passes through the graphite die as well as the powder compact, in case of conductive samples.

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