
Accueil > Target Gd2O3 99.9%, Dia 2″x 2mm
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[Nanocatalyst] – New nanocatalyst recycles greenhouse gases into fuel and hydrogen gas 21 février 2020

Scientists have taken a major step toward a circular carbon economy by developing a long-lasting, economical catalyst that recycles greenhouse gases into ingredients that can be used in fuel, hydrogen gas, and other chemicals. The results could be revolutionary in the effort to reverse global warming, according to the researchers.

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[Thin-Film Innovation] – Le Procédé de fabrication de cibles EPC© 22 juin 2021

Le nouveau procédé EPC © (Enhanced Process Control) de Codex International est une procédé de fabrication innovant qui améliore les performances et la durabilité des cibles ainsi que l’homogénéité des dépôts.

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