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Accueil > Target Cr2O3 99.95%, Dia 2″x 3mm
Flèche contenu
[Optic] – First fiber-optic nanotip electron gun enables easier nanoscale research 12 septembre 2023

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Nebraska have developed an easier way to generate electrons for nanoscale imaging and sensing, providing a useful new tool for material science, bioimaging and fundamental quantum research.

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[Thin-Films] – Multidirectional MEMS thin-film sensor improves efficiencies of industrial-scale fluid machinery 18 novembre 2022

The energy and transportation sector often make use of different kinds of fluid machinery, including pumps, turbines, and aircraft engines, all of which entail a high carbon footprint. This result mainly from inefficiencies in the fluid machinery caused by flow separation around curved surfaces, which are typically quite complex in nature.

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