Retrouvez-nous au salon « Plathinium » du 11 au 15 septembre 2023 à Antibes. Notre équipe sera là pour vous accueillir et vous présenter nos innovations.
[Thin-Film] – Feasibility of thin-film electronics for flexible chip design
17 juin 2024
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[Nanotechnology] – Researchers achieve shape memory for nano-sized objects.
9 mars 2023
Alloys that can return to their original structure after being deformed have a so-called shape memory. This phenomenon and the resulting forces are used in many mechanical actuating systems, for example in generators or hydraulic pumps. However, it has not been possible to use this shape-memory effect at a small nanoscale: Objects made of shape-memory alloy can only change back to their original shape if they are larger than around 50 nanometers.
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