Scientists show that supramolecular chemistry enables efficient spin communication through hydrogen bonds.
Lire la suiteA new technique to trap clusters of platinum atoms in nanoscale islands could lead to more efficient catalysts for the chemical industry.
Lire la suiteResearchers verified the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, i.e., the influence of chiral molecules on spin, using spintronic analytical techniques.
Lire la suiteScientists have developed a novel technique to transform symmetrical semiconductor particles into intricately twisted, spiral structures – or chiral materials – producing films with extraordinary light-bending properties.
Lire la suiteReserchers have developed a way to print nanoparticles like ink, creating inexpensive sweat sensors that can continuously monitor multiple molecules.
Lire la suiteNew design concept enables ultra-thin absorbers with unprecedented bandwidth-to-thickness ratios, verified experimentally to approach theoretical limits in performance.
Lire la suiteResearchers describe how quasiparticles called polarons behave in tellurene, a nanomaterial first synthesized in 2017 that is made up of tiny chains of tellurium atoms and has properties useful in sensing, electronic, optical and energy devices.
Lire la suitePaper-thin optical lenses simple enough to mass produce like microchips could enable a new generation of compact optical devices.
Lire la suiteFirst 2D mechanically interlocked polymer exhibits exceptional flexibility and strength.
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